Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Busy Bees

Just a short blog buzz to update all on whats happnin' on the home front...

Where do I begin? How about now and I'll work backwards a bit. First, may I say that I'm so glad Zach has similar humor and understands our family. That being said, my first announcement is (drum roll please.........)

I pee'd in the backyard!!! Three times!

No I'm not crazy. It all started last night...

I had done a marathon whole house all day cleaning, you know what I mean, bathrooms, sweeping the tile floor, laundry X6, vacuum, mirrors, dusting, watering, sweeping patio, moving plants, total kitchen, and picking up things like chocolate chips & popcorn off the floor around in the family room, etc, etc.

Now WHY would I undertake such a pleasant day? Could it be that I volunteered to have the relief society sisters Salad Night in my home? Yes it could. The greatest thing was that I pulled it off, with a lot of Sean's help of course, and was ready 15 minutes before the ladies showed up! The salads were great and I will get the recipes to share with you.

Dad came home after work & home teaching, went to our bathroom to find water half way across the floor in progress. About 1/2 gallon per hr leaking from under the toilet , starting @ 7pm last night. All the bathroom toilets don't flush, are to the top with water (yes, just water) and all the tub & shower drains are full.

So you know what I learned? That Liquid Plumber doesn't work. You can actually pee in your backyard.

And that even a perfect day isn't really perfect.

We have been busy bees trying to work on all the challenges that are before us, just like all of you do. Add a week of Linda Sandifur, doing taxes, visiting teaching, carpet cleaning, dentist, genealogy, music rehearsals, regular visits at grammas and routine stuff for the hive, and then email and using the computer takes about slot #19 on the daily to do list.

However, since I am the Queen bee, I do have a lot of choices, and if I choose to blog, I may not get to it right away, but will eventually. My thanks to you girls, my princess bees, who are busy, and blogging, and my thanks to Sean, our drone bee. If you don't know about drones, read up on them, they are very interesting and when they put their mind to something, great things happen. Now, I need to go find my honey (daddy drone). Oh yeah, he's outside of the house digging in mud, looking for the clean out drain.

I think an unplanned vacation will be in our beeline very soon. Now I need to buzz over to the grocery store to use their toilet. Take time to appreciate your toilet, it's just another thing that may not always be there.

I love you baby bees and will get some pics up when Sean shows me how since I've been using his camera.
Hey baby bee, are you using my camera? And for the rest of you, can you post some videos with your flips? Maybe some of your hive, your honey, or what's buzzin.
Love mom

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